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tv   America Live  FOX News  February 4, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm PST

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and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪
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>> jon: so football is over for another year. you have got to come back and join us tomorrow? >> jenna: that's right. there is nothing else to do. "america live" starts right now. >> and we begin with a fox news alert. we are just seeing president obama's arrival in minnesota at this hour. where he will try to rally support for gun control. welcome to "america live." i'm shannon bream in today for megyn kelly. the president is expected to make public remarks on meetings about gun violence while back at the white house his team is taking new questions about the decision to release this photo showing the president shooting skeets at camp david.
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fox news digital politics editor and host of power play on all right, chris, your take on the timing of the release of this particular picture. >> well, obviously the president wants people to know that he is okay with guns and has touched them, has shot them and is fine with all of that. because what is happening now is that the anxieties among gun owners and among second amendment enthusiasts for what they think is going to be a broad gun control effort by the president and certainly that's what we're seeing cooking up in the u.s. senate. for these folks, they say he is out of touch. he doesn't understand. this is the president saying look, it's cool, i'm down, i'm with you. >> and are we to understand from the white house that the president, as he asserted a couple weeks ago shoots all the time and maybe this isn't his first and only time at camp david. go we know anything about his vast experience with firearms? >> well, i am not going to
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pose myself as an international skeet shooting judge. it's pretty clear from the president's posture and his stance there that he is a bit of a novice and that picture was taken in august. today jay carney the white house press secretary told reporters that the president, he believes, has gotten better since then, since that picture was taken and that, perhaps, he has improved but certainly what happened was the opposite of what the white house wanted to have happen here. they wanted to show that the president was okay with guns and not just some ante gun banning person. but then, in fact, had had the counter effect when these folks, the gun enthusiasts said that's not how you shoot ski. that's not how you stand. that's not where you hold the shotgun. you break your cheekbone, what are you doing? instead of shoring up his credentials as a gun person it actually reduced them. >> all right. he is going into friendly territory we know today in minneapolis where the mayor there was a surrogate for him
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during the campaign we know as he has this conversation gun rivals it seems like he is still in campaigning mode, maybe he is feeling he is not going to get what he wants through congress. he wants to get the american people on his side. this feels like more campaigning. >> sure, look. the broad understanding in washington is that a gun control -- a gun control measure. proposed not likely to get anywhere. what the president wants to do is change the discussion and increase the pressure on republicans. increase the pressure on the nra change their positions or pay a political price for it we have to talk about this. everything we talk about for president obama and that's this. when it comes to first 18 months of the second term, the whole goal is to try to put republicans in as bad as position as possible for the midterm elections. he has been trying on immigration. he has been trying to on guns. he has been trying anything he can with democrats break the fever.
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but basically to break up the republicans in the house, put so much pressure on them that they can't block or oppose him and this looks to be this visit, this appearance looks to be part of that ladies and gentlemen effort. sentence democrats as well because you and i have talked many times about how a number of prominent democrats are feeling pressure about gun control legislation on the hill this time around. folks like senate majority leader harry reid who has been a long time progun ownership advocate under a lot of pressure to get some of these measures whether it's the one by senator dianne feinstein or others who are not viewed as restrictive what do you is you stall and you hope. the senate is good at doing. is not doing stuff. the hope for senate majority leader reid and other nra backed or progun democrats in the u.s. senate is play for time, have this work itself
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out. we see the bipartisan offer from joe manchin democrat from pennsylvania and republican from illinois background checks that you hope that some compromise position emerges. you can take ahold of that and get away from the issue. because i am sure that harry reid, ahead of having so many red state democrats up for re-election in 2014, is he not interested in doing a gun ban of any kind. i can't think that he would be because it would be so bad for some of his members and chances for remaining majority member. we are looking at the president departing from air force one arriving in minneapolis. it looks like he has both of the senators from the state with him. as he arrives there to begin the discussion about gun control, let me ask you, since we are talking about the majority leader harry reid there, something that he mentioned with potential gun legislation that you and i know he doesn't often do which is he he is -- this time around saying if one of these bills does come to the floor he will have a liberal
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amendments policy which often he does not allow those to be up for discussion. but maybe with his legislation. >> maybe with this legislation and remember this, the democrats were very good in the minority at using poison pill amendments. and as a matter of fact, then senator obama from illinois helped totally destroy any -- the last hope of some sort of broad bipartisan compromise on illegal immigration with the union-backed measure. they know how to do. this they know about poison pill amendments. they were very effective in the minority before. and cynically one would have to wonder whether there wouldn't be some hope among democrats that the republicans would do it this time around. >> we shall see. great to see you. see you every day online 11:30 a.m. eastern, thank you. >> you bet, thank you. >> shannon: as president obama goes to minneapolis to rally support for new gun control legislation, several civil rights leaders, including the reverend jesse jackson are calling on the president to come back to his own hometown. chicago. and address the growing gun
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violence gripping that city. trace gallagher has that part of our story. is he live in los angeles. hey, trace. >> and shannon if you look at the numbers in chicago you can see why the red alert is flashing in that city. look at this. last year there were 506 murders in the city of chicago. that's a 16% increase, a significant increase. take a rook just this year 42 homicides already on the exact same pace as last year. there have been seven murders in chicago in just the past five days. the mayor there rahm immanuel is now flooding the streets with police, taking cops who normally do administrative work and putting them in patrol cars. now, what really brought this to a head is the murder last week of 15-year-old pendleton, an honors student. she performed at events surrounding the inauguration. gunned down in a park near her school. police believe it was a case of mistaken identity. the reverend jesse jackson led a march this weekend to the park where she was shot and killed.
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jackson is now calling on president obama to step in and help his hometown. listen. >> in a certain kind of way this is about less than a mile from the president's house. it's about six blocks from the school where she attended. and so the whole world is now watching us. we urge the president to consider coming here. illuminate [inaudible] >> we mentioned shannon, 42 murders so far in chicago that is three times as many as in new york city despite a huge population sized differential in new york city and a lot of people say that's because chicago might have some of the toughest gun laws in the country but they don't have penalties for people who get caught using guns in crimes, mandatory penalties in prison like new york does. a lot of repeat offenders are back out on the streets committing crimes again and again. shannon? >> shannon: bad news. thank you, trace.
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we are watching brand new developments out of alabama as that hostage crisis involving a frightened 5-year-old boy enters its seventh day. there could be a news conference at any moment now. we are keeping an eye on that as the boy and the gunman are held up in underground bunker. we are told police are still in constant contact with the suspect and are delivering supplies. including food and toys for the boy. as the small town prays for his safe release. elizabeth prann is live in midland city, alabama with more. hello, elizabeth. >> yeah, shannon. we have been waiting for that press conference to start it was scheduled for about an hour ago, all eyes are on this man jimmie lee dykes the suspect in this situation as he holds that a-year-old boy captive in a bunker not far from our location. authorities confirm they are working 24 hours a day, continuous shift change as they exchange conversations with him and in fact they sent set up a compound right next to our location. over the weekend authorities thanking the suspect for, quote, taking care of this little boy, meaning there is
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heat in the bunker. temperatures get down into the 20's overnight. the young kindergartner is getting comfort food such as potato chips, toys, coloring books and medication that he needs. meanwhile the community is showing outpouring of support, one local police officer started collecting birthday cards for this little boy. there has been conflicting reports of this kindergartner's birthday but, in fact, we know he does turn 6 this week. retired lt. april mcdaniel is collecting birthday cards. she started a facebook page. she says she already has 40 cards but she expects thousands. listen. >> we're expecting as of now, probably a couple thousand cards and it could grow. they are being mailed, delivered here to the town hall in napier field. anybody who wants to donate a card for this precious little boy. >> in an effort of some normalcy there are schools that are back in session. the schools for the most part
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remain closed and there is certainly still a sense of uneasiness in this community. shannon? >> shannon: elizabeth prann on the scene there in alabama. thank you. as this heart breaking situation stretches into a week now we will speak with dr. keith ablow about the psychology playing out here. the effect this tension can have over a long period of time for people on both the inside and outside of that bunker. big story after the game, why did the superdome lights go dark? we're going to show what you we have discovered. plus, new study on economic recovery shows an entire class of americans actually going in reverse folks in 50s and six are showing sharp drop in income and what it means for america's economic future. red lobster's 30 shrimp. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's 30 shrimp! for $11.99 pair any two shrimp selections on one plate!
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like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. just $11.99. offer ends soon! i'm ryon stewart, and i sea food diffently.
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>> shannon: new study on economic recovery showing class of americans actually going in reverse. growing concerns about the financial situation about the biggest segment of the u.s. spop legs. according to the latest jobs reports, those in their 50s and 60's nearing retirement are by far the biggest victims of the recession. lou dobbs is here. he is the host of lieu dobbs on the fox business network. breaks it it down. >> i thought it was interesting in the last three years or so since the great recovery or great recession has ended 10% of people in this group are making less than they were before. they they are going backwards. >> in so many ways, not only in terms of the pay that they are receiving and by the way typically, depending on the way in which they did lose their jobs, people can only expect that that age group to gain back 75% of the income they lost in wages. but then they are also hit by their homes which had always been an automatic savings account that was -- that could
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be tapped into in times of need. they have lost that. a third of those homes -- homeowners are underwater with their mortgages. instead of rising value, their values have plummeted by as much in some parts of the country 50%. it is a horrible story for 50 and 60-year-olds in this country who were part of the me generation. the baby boomers who thought, you know, this is all about me. and what we have watched is in many cases. the failure of the american dream all together but it's also a failure of policy it's a failure of values and it's a society that for some reason, shannon people thought we could let go of faith. we could let go of traditional national values. the work ethic. the social contract between employers and employees. don't mind the fact that jobs are being outsourced by the millions there will be more. we are a knowledge based economy and then we find that
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knowledge is pitifully narrow-based in this country when it it comes to the ability to employ people. we are paying a huge price and it's only begun. it's only begun because of this. these baby boomers as they reach 62 are taking early social security. they are going to be tapping. >> shannon: at a penalty. >> therefore even greater demand than expected on social security. we are watching the social safety net protect the lives of so many and without it, frankly, so many millions of people would be in even worse trouble. now that social safety net is going to be under such severe strain. it's going to threaten, i think -- there is the prospects it will threaten it to the point it will collapse. >> you mentioned homes which is negative for folks in this age group in another way if they have lost their job and trying to get back in, it's a much harder time for them to get back in other age group. if they have a home and
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underwater in it, they can't pick up and move like a renter, straight out of college younger employeeee. some things working against them. their skills aren't up to date some of them. the odds are against them for trying to find work. >> it is exactly right. and it also calls into question, i was mentioning values. and the ideals of this country. there are people lamenting the fact that young people are coming back, i'm talking about people in their 20's and perhaps they have gone to college. perhaps they have been out working and lost their jobs or back home with their parents and their parents are now living with them. you know, this is a society of which the family was the absolute rock of our society. and it is as if failed public policy and unexpected economic upheaval are forcing us back to focus on the family. and what the "new york times" describes as horrible and depressiving and disastrous i personally find in it hope. hope that will restore the family. we will talk about real family
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values which are, you know, which are rooted in caring for those we love. our parents, our children, and understanding that we provide not material wealth for one another we provide outlook and skills and support and love that makes a society work. we know that the opposite does not. and unfortunately, so many people in our society urban areas of this country are going through that demonstration today. hopefully we can learn from this and come out stronger. americans always have. >> i hope it does this time too. when we are forced to rely on each other. a lot of times we find multiplied strength and exponential benefits. 2 plus 2 equals 4 plus. always great to have your insights. >> thank you. can you catch lou on the fox business network every single night. lou dobbs tonight airs week nights at 7:00 p.m. eastern
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time. you don't want to miss it. the president's climate control team is now in place and ready to make changes and we're going to take a look at what to expect from this group very powerful after some of the administration's first term global warming plans came up short. new pressure on the president. the big story after the billing game the city, the power company and the nfl are all pointing fingers people are questioning whether the energy efficient lighting may have played a role. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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>> shannon: the sports world bids farewell to it a legend. davis has died. she was the super star of the all american girl's professional baseball leagues in the 1940s. her career inspired the sacral character in the hollywood blockbuster a leaving their own. pare davis played catcher and shortstop helping her teams to win five championships. she died of national causes in los angeles on saturday. she was 88 years old. seconds in the second half of the super bowl game when suddenly big chunk of the lights went out. creating a huge blackout and a lot of confusion. so, what really happened?
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chris -- trace gallagher is on it. >> the day before the game the department of energy was praising the superdome for having those energy efficient lights in there saying it was a touch down for energy efficiency. no, sir not a big as store now. static boom in the speakers after halftime and then as you see there the lights went out and stayed out for 34 minutes. most of the fans pretty much took it in stride but there were some to clearly thought that maybe something more nefarious was going on. now, entergy power company in new orleans says there was a power surge in the system. more precise explanation is that once the system detected that abnormality, it did what they say it was supposed to do, which is open up another breaker and cut the power. now, it's interesting because in the public records of new orleans, it says in recent months the city has actually spent almost $2 million trying to upgrade the superdome's electrical system to make sure
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it has these redundancies, the backup generators did go on. it took them a while to get the juice back flowing again. the new orleans mayor now is calling for a full investigation and some are now concerned that it might effect new orleans 2018 bid it to it host the super bowl. though i had a friend who said the city was great. they were gracious hosts and the super bowl should be there again. we should note that when the power went out, the 9ers came on. they literally almost pulled off one of the greatest come backs in super bowl history but a lot of people now investigating exactly why the lights went out in new orleans last night. >> shannon: plenty of fun to be had there lights on or off. that's to be sure. >> that's exactly right. everybody said it was nice because it gave me 34 minutes to go grab a beer. >> exactly. what more could you ask for. timed out beer break essentially. trace, thank you. >> sure. >> shannon: an american war hero makes it home only to be gunned down apparently by a brother in arms. new governments next on the --
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developments next in the murder of chris kyle. president's new cabinet could take the climate control issue to a whole new level. what you can expect after some of the administration's first term plans for global warming came up short and a new show raising questions about the health of the american dream. we will show you the reality tv contest where the coveted top prizes a mid level job.
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>> shannon: new developments at this hour in the murder of navy seal and author who survived four tours of duty overseas. chris kyle and another man found dead saturday shot down while reportedly trying to do a favor for the man in custody for the crime. best sniper in the military, also wrote the "new york times" best seller "american sniper." his biographer. casey stegall is live from our dallas bureau with more. >> yes, shannon, according to investigators the suspect's mother reportedly reached out to chris kyle to help her son because kyle was well known for the work he did with veterans. he worked with them on things like post-traumatic stress disorder. but it is unclear, we should point out if the suspect, 25-year-old eddie ruth was officially diagnosed with ptsd. the u.s. military has only confirmed that he was a corporal in the marines and did tours of duty when iraq
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and haiti. listed as reserve. authorities say ruth rode in the same with chris kyle and kyle's friend 35-year-old chad little field to the gun range on saturday about 50 miles southwest of fort worth, what happened next police are not saying other than shot and killed the two men then stole kyle's truck picks up the story from there. the. >> my understandinghe suspect went to his sister's home and told his sister and his brother-in-law what he had just done they left it and called lancaster police department. and they notified us. >> 38-year-old chris kyle had been awarded several bronze and silver stars among other accolades. his "new york times" best selling autobiography thrust
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him into the national spotlight appearing on late night talk show and the o'reilly factor. in fact he had been working on another book nearly complete "american gun." a look of american history through the lenz of our nation's most iconic firearms. he also started a nonprofit organization where he got fitness equipment to physically disabled veterans. he was very beloved and really worked hard both on and off the battlefield. shannon. >> shannon: certainly did. casey stegall reporting out of dallas. thank you, casey. >> yeah. >> reminder on another developing story we are watching out of alabama as that hostage crisis involving a frightened 5-year-old boy enters its seventh day. there could be a news conference at any moment. we are waiting on that. as the boy and the gunmen are still held up in underground bunker. we're told the police are still in constant contact with the suspect and are delivering supplies, including food and toys for the boy. as that small town prays for his safe release, as that event happens, we will certainly bring you the news
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live. >> senator, i will protect our i will cut federal spending, and i will repeal the bad parts of obama care. i sued epa and i will take dead aim at the cap and trade bill. >> shannon: you may remember that iconic 2010 campaign ad from west virginia senate candidate then now senator joe manchin. the senator shooting the cap and trade law as the first global warming efforts. that ended up being a metaphor for the president's plan. basically dead on arrival on capitol hill. but, a new report suggests the president's new climate cops are geared up and ready for war. among them dennis mcdonough the president's new chief of staff and secretary of state john kerry along with other aides. let's talk about it. did he want at this assistant to george w. bush. sally cohen a political
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blogger and fox news contributor. welcome to you both. >> hi, shannon. >> one decision the president is going to have to make some time soon that's the xl keystone pipeline. he has gotten a lot of pressure. held off making decision the clock is ticking, what now. >> the question is what is going to drive decision making? is it going to be political or is it going to be common sense? you know, folks really should try to peel away the partisan politics on this and actually look at the facts that keystone pipeline deal before it hit road blocks, the company behind it said it would create 4200 jobs then all of the sudden they say 20,000 jobs. look, in their own permit applications they said it would raise the price of domestic oil in the united states and all the oil the pipeline produces is going overseas. it's a bad deal for america. if the president does the right thing he will veto it not for environmental reasons even just for pure economics. >> shannon: brad, is he going to have to make a decision on that soon. nebraska's governor stepped up and said he approves of the plan so controversial going through his state. of the president clearly
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thinks that environmental issues are very important. even giving them a mention in his inaugural address. got critics on the left who say he didn't do enough in the first term. he seems very fond of doing things without congress if he has to, brad. will he on the environment? >> he absolutely will. we have seen him do it before. he is really going to step on the gas to use a metaphor to press forward his political agenda. that has no reality-based agenda to his political agenda. take canada. we get most of our oil from canada. number one trading partner. canada is being disrespected politically, nicly by not allowing this deal to guard america. they turn to the chinese. the president's motorist on appear ran i do is pretty clear. doesn't get what he wants through legislation. he will will tell the agencies to legislate through regulation. and if that doesn't work by executive order. and the president says if you don't like it it, sue me and we do every day whether it's on healthcare, gun control, on
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immigration, this is his policy when a president doesn't respect the bounds of his authority, then he acts out in disregards of it. >> and sally, i talked to a number of folks who are urging the president to it act without congress they say there is a lot of foot dragging and there are a number of things he can do. brad mentioned many of them, whether directing federal agencies rules and regulations which that upsets a lot of folks out there. they feel they don't truly have a save. lawmakers aren't voting on anything. how willing do you think he will to be use those particular powers to get something done on climate change? >> i think he doesn't have a choice. i mean, let's be clear. cap and trade was a conservative idea that actually a lot of democrats and liberals hated and now of course the republican party has abandoned as they move farther to the right. we have to step back and realize the reality here is we wouldn't have seat belts in cars or air bags in cars. we would still have kids working in factories. we would still have factories dumping their sludge into our drinking water were it not for
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we the people saying through regulation this isn't allowable. it is entirely, within the legal, moral and appropriate bounds of the president's power to act to protect the american people through the environment. if congress isn'twork going to work with him, he has got very reasonable and well trodden ways of doing that. >> shannon: brad, on the other side of the coin i talk to business owners all the time who say they are drowning under regulations, yes, some of this is reasonable, you have to protect the environment, drinking water, lead paint for kids all of those are legitimate good goals but that the pendulum seems to swing way too far and that ultimately costs jobs or cost consumers more in the checkout line. >> there is no doubt about it. there is aments vs. a needs test. what obama administration wants to do is not what our country needs to be done. drilling or fracking we need to exploit our own resources at this time for our own benefit. we shouldn't be buying resources from countries that don't like us very much.
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and why is it okay to drill off the coast of brazil but not the coast line of our own coast line, florida, mississippi, we need to exemployed our own resources. we have got to get trying to define the marketplace by regulation. counts the real authority which should be taken and that is by rule of law. by legislation by agency or by the president's stroke of a pen by executive order. >> brand new secretary of state john kerry says that climate change is going to be one of his main focuses. what happens with the keystone pipeline. is he talking more broadly on the international stage with all of the things that we're facing at home and abroad. do you think that climate change should be the top priority for the secretary of state? >> i think climate change should be a top priority for all of us. 97% of scientists and
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reasonable democrats and conservatives believe in man made causes and, look, we are seeing, nasa has put out a study that the hurricane severity of hurricanes has gotten greater and if we don't think that has real economic and human costs right now, then we're just denying the facts. the other reality is here, look, we already have actually a lot of drilling and domestic oil production is higher than at any time in the last decade in this country. the question is, look, is this president going to lead us to the future or just dwell on jobs and the economy of the past? and we know that in addition to solving climate change, for every dollar spent on green jobs, and the jobs of the future, and the energy of the future that creates three times more jobs than every dollar spent on fossil fuel. >> it hasn't worked very well with solyndra where we have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars on technology american
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public and mandating the marketplace. how we built the railroads and highways. >> let me tell you something, sally. barack obama willing upon the american people climate change one scientists says it's not mandated and by the way we could be the cleanest country on planet and other countries. >> it hurts our economy. >> we have got to leave it there. as always for a spirited debate. sally, brad, great to see you. >> thanks. >> as we mentioned a moment ago. little boy's life on the line. tense negotiations continue around the clock with this accused kidnapper. what type of psychological toll is that taking on both the police and the suspect? dr. keith ablow joins us on the psychology that's playing out and what we can expect in hours and days to come. and a new study is looking
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today at what the healthcare overhaul means for part-time workers in the coming year. whether they get the insurance they need or will companies come up with creative ways to cut their hours? we will crunch the numbers. and the ravens may be the world champs, but who won the clash of the commercials from chips to trucks, clydesdales to goats? we will look at the best and the worst. and hear from the first time which ad hit home with the most viewers. in ameri today we're running out of a vital resource we need
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to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines yore taking. ll your doctoright away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. ♪ is your cholesterol at goal? talk to youdoctor about crestor. [ femalannouncer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> shannon: this whole thing now dragging into a seventh day as the clock texas the stress-ticks as the jimmy lee dykes also wanted in the murder of a school bus driver. so how does that effect his mental state?
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what effect could it have on the negotiations? we have got an expert. dr. keith ablow is is a psychologist and fox news medical a teamer. doctors thank you so much for joining us today? >> my pleasure i want to start by asking about this man decorated war veteran. accounts from others on the bus when he he got on the bus there was a bus full of children he was saying he was going to kill all of them. yet what ultimately happened is that he shot the bus driver and took this one boy. what does it say to you that he didn't commit a mass crime and take out several more of those children? >> i think it's important that facts about any event not be dismissed as merely coincidence. what do we have? we have a man who does do exactly the things that you just outlined. he goes under ground with a 5-year-old after shooting the bus driver you would have to
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go a country mile as a psychologist. you would have to wonder what that this man's age. he didn't pick some other venue. he chose school. he chose to take the life of a school bus driver and he he then went underground tremendously important with somebody who is 56789 and so if you want to understand you have to be willing to talk to him about his own pain not just that which he is causing now this family and this little boy. what kind of pressure is mounting is this man was planning for any kind of long siege if his bunker is stocked with items where he thought he would need to survive. what about the little boy? >> i think for a man who made his home a fortress who threatened to kill people who trespassed even children
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boundaries are extremely important. the act of come up out of that enclosed space is delivering himself into the hands of others not something he is used to doing. he needs to be allowed to understand listen, you are still going to be a person in control of your destiny. no one is cutting your tongue away. can you speak you can make your ideas known. the last act of the time you spend underground can be one of tremendous power and of generosity by letting this boy come up. >> shannon: i apologize for interrupting. we are getting the news conference of alabama. >> okay. >> continuing to provide food and mekdz and other items of comfort to the location. one thing we are very arare of is as much law enforcement and everything in this area. like i told see an opportunity
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my mother told me a lot of things that were being said, you know. humanly possible can do to resolve this safely to bring this child home. >> this time i will entertain any questions. [inaudible] >> well, we're aware of those reports and we just -- i can't really comment on anything specific, the communications or anything like that but what i can say generally is based on our discussion it felt like
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he has story that's important to him although it's very complex and we try to make a safe environment for all for that. >> [inaudible] holding up? >> we feel he is still hanging in there. >> you can hear him? can you hear crying? laughing? anything? >> i have no -- [inaudible] >> one at a time, folks. >> [inaudible] >> at this time, you know, i can't go into a lot of specifics on anything. >> i can't go into --
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[inaudible] right now i can't get into -- [inaudible] >> through our investigation we have pretty much established he has got enough sanitarian -- got a san sanitarium situation set up. >> i could not hear you [inaudible] >> once again, wield like to thank you for your patience and your understanding. if there is any more questions, we keep our communication lines open through email. just email us. thank you very much. >> dr. ablow, i'm so glad we have you during this press conference. a couple things noted there. first of all law enforcement says they are trying to maintain a civil conversation with this suspect. he has a story to tell that's very important to him. it's complex but something he
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feels like is very important to him. something he wants to tell. we know that some neighbors have reported that he apparently had some theories about the government from the president on dawn. what does that give us like he has got something he needs to say? >> well, if it's about the government and it's a political position that's one thing. if it's about the government and seems to be something that's mired in delusion, and might be a psychotic set of thoughts, that's a completely different thing because on the one hand you want to give somebody a forum and on the other end you may be worried about the maize of thoughts that the person seems lost in. i think that the notion of autonomy is so important to this person that i would be tempted to it talk to him very purely about the fact that he is disempowered and taken the autonomy away from a 5-year-old boy.
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and that that, as a way of making his statements about liberty or autonomy or boundaries was a misstep and that he can correct that misstep by reiss lookings the boy. it's contrary to everything this person thinks about what is appropriate in terms of boundaries. he literally was accused of beating a dog to death for crossing on to his property. he has violated other people's boundaries. he may even understand when properly and succinctly stated in that way that that was a terrible lapse in his judgment and his empathy. what about the police and law enforcement folks going in the seventh day trying to negotiate. trying to make sure that little boy is okay? what kind of wear and tear is happening for them? >> i think what happens is is that people do what they need to do. so what i would counsel them
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and their families while you are in round 7 of what i think will be a seven round fight i mope the boy will be released today. that would be wonderful. the stress they feel now may pale in comparison to the anxiety and possible feelings of depression and gleetion that come after this siege is over. even in the context with the victory with the boy released you can have all of those feelings of frustration and fear visit you again because these aren't people with no life stories. they have had their own troubles. everybody has. the idea that they are involved now in another trauma can reawaken feelings of being powerless in the past and then they bury those, word choice intended they bury those feelings in order to do their jobs but they come rushing back when this is over. even in success. >> and about the little boy, there is a state lawmaker talked with the mother, she is, quote, holding on by a
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thread. the little boy as asberger's syndrome and adhd medication is reportedly getting to him. what about the effects of medication on this little boy now a week of this? >> this is important for mr. dykes to understand as well. it can't be overestimated the effects. this is is a catastrophic event in this child's life. even though he too the fact that he has been abducted, kept from his loved ones, these are events that can resonate the rest of this child's life. it's best that this moment. this instant if possible that by the way mr. dykes remain on the planet. not do himself. in not engage in pitched battle with law enforcement after he let's relatively crime.
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additional injury. pick me up from the bus if the boy didn't shot by so in other words, this is a moment when mr. dykes can do the right thing, stop disempowering a 5-year-old. it's not right, no matter what the beef is with the government. let the boy go and stand up on your own two feet and say what you have to say. >> dr. keith ablow we truly appreciate. thank you, sir. >> it's my pleasure. thank you. >> new questions about what happens to america's part-time workers as the healthcare overhaul rolls into effect this year and next? a new study suggests their employers, they start getting creative to avoid increased costs growing questions as to whether america is seeing the birth of a new cold war and
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what does it say about america when the coveted prize on a new reality show with some unspecified mid level jobs. we're going to look at a new game show job. america's employment crisis all in three minutes.
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>> this is a fox news alert. a new worry for america's strongest ally in the middle east a brand new hour of "america live." i'm shannon bream in today for megyn kelly. we are getting reports today that israel was targeting syrians main center for biological and chemical weapons in an attack last week. with the israel's outgoing defense minister even referring to the strike as, quote, another proof that when we say something we mean it now we have syria's president assad making his first comments about the raid near damascus vowing some kind of
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retaliation. conor powell is live in jerusalem. >> hi, shannon. both sir i can't understand iranian officials have vowed to respond to the attack and take some type of action against israel a week on after this air strike in syria all have heard is threats. most analysts believe if somebody were to launch a type of retaliatory attack it would most likely be hezbollah and bogged down by iran. fearing larger war. the most likely group to respond would be probably hezbollah, we have seen nothing in that way or attack from hezbollah in the last week or so. now, over the weekend though, the syrian state tv did release video of the strike they say was attacked by israel. clearly see military vehicles. now u.s. officials have said that israeli jets bombed the
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weapons convoy heading to hezbollah and lebanon. syria, of course, denies that there is any type of weapons convoy it is is possible that there was some type of convoy being prepared. that is ultimately what led the israelis to strike is this military research facility that is suspected of being placed where they are building housing. chemical and biological weapons. israel has not publicly confirmed the strike. ehud barak said that israel would take action if they felt it was being ill targeted or if the assad government was moving weapons to lebanon again in some ways sort of essentially confirming the attacks. there are a lot of reports, shannon there are increased israeli jets flying over both lebanon and syria. it is very possible in the coming weeks if assad tries to move weapons we could see another strike conor powell live in jerusalem.
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conflict that goes back decades. israel and syria have faced each other in two wars in 1967 and 1973 where they battled over the goal alan heights -- about four years later israeli war planes bombed a suspected nuclear reactor in syria and just a few months ago israel's military says its tanks scored, quote, direct hits on syrian artillery units after syrian mortar shells fell near syria israeli post. >> fox news alert, new video just coming in from minnesota. this is tape from president obama visiting the minneapolis police department special operations center where he held a round table discussion with law enforcement and other community leaders. also at the meeting, attorney general eric holder, u.s. senator amy -- u.s. senator al
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franken, the president will make some remarks in just a bit. we will get that news and bring it to you. we are also as we are waiting to hear from the president about another thing. half hour away. the president set to make remarks after he meets with those law enforcement folks. is he there to rally support for his plan to tighten up gun laws. some states are already taking action. new high tech tool could help police in new york city detect weapons but opponents are trying to stop it in court chris gallagher live with the latest on this interesting technology. >> i will explain what it is all about. police saying he they are in the early stages of using these scanners, what they are are portable devices that actually maher the t rays put off by our bodies. what the scanners then do is highlight objects that block those t rays like guns.
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police believe they can save lives by detecting hidden guns on criminals. it's invasion of privacy and could be used to frisk people who are legally carrying a weapon. now, legal experts say the courts will have to decide if police can use these randomly on people without a warrant or without having a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing or about to commit a crime. or will the court decide that reading radiation levels no more invasive like watching them in public or photographing them in public and we should note, shannon that the supreme court has ruled that for police to actually use thermal infrared heating, you know, radiation things on homes that they do have to have a warrant for that some say this may go up to the supreme court. one test case being put up against it.
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who knows, shannon? >> shannon: we will will keep an eye on it and see if it gets there, trace. thank you very much. >> okay. >> shannon: a new study today raising guess about the president's healthcare law and how it could effect part-time workers. key provisions said to go in effect next year require employers with at least 50 full time workers to offer health insurance. researchers think that could cause some companies to rules employees' hours to save money. the author of "money" with me lisa fran chiss on the fox business network great to have you here. >> thank you. >> this is disturbing news it? >> is. >> shannon: obama care was about making sure people were covered. how is this going to effect folks that are part timers? >> that part of it holds true. adp is the payroll company. they have access to the thousands of companies and millions of workers to see what is going on. they polled 300 very large companies and they said what is going on currently? they found that only 8% of
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part-time workers currently have healthcare. interestingly enough, 15% of them are offered healthcare but only half of them choose to take it. for those folks now they would automatically be eligible for state one healthcare. you get some sort of healthcare right away. that's the good news. the bad news is what it means for those part time workers and how much they are actually going to take home because there is that caveat in there that if you have more than 50 employees who work. you the employer are responsible for providing healthcare. >> what would you rather have health insurance or the paycheck that you had before and the wages you had before? you are making a lot less money but oh good you have government healthcare. >> i don't know if people are going to feel like that's a net better situation. >> some people think that is crying wolf. the truth is we have seen major employers who have publicly said this ising they
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would consider doing cutting hours to stay under neath that threshold. >> absolutely. they received a lot of bashing in the media especially for having said. this most famous is darrden restaurants and their ceo is vocal said on a conference call to investors listen, we have to make choices and if we have to pay for healthcare, then we're going to cut back our number of full-time workers. maybe we would have more part-time workers or maybe do more with less. it's just a significant increase. it's not free. healthcare is not free. someone has to pay for it they said if the government is willing to pay for it and if we cut back on workers and they go on this other system, financially that makes the most sense and our responsibility is to our shareholders, that's the decision we are going to make. not only money hungry companies that have shareholders who always get blamed for. this i was looking around and there is local colleges that have said they are going to cut back their professors because if they make them part time they don't have to pay for the healthcare and they have exploding costs. everyone is considering this. at the end of the day, i mean, would you rather have a bigger
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paycheck or healthit's sad thate to make that kind of comparison, that's the reality of the math. >> shannon: a lot of folks out there who say the whole idea all along was to shake hauer that more people did go on government healthcare. this may force that whether it was intended or not? >> yeah, you are right about that, absolutely. >> elizabeth francis good to see you. >> thank you. >> money with melissa francis airing weekdays 5:00 eastern on the fox business network. well, washington is once again complaining that china is waging high profile cyber attacks on american computers. putting our national security and your personal information at risk. so, could this be the beginning of a whole new cold war, a different kind. former u.s. basms to the u.n. john bolton joins us next. an investigation into workers getting disability insurance. caught on camera looking pretty darn healthy. we're going to look a closer look at widespread problems costing you the taxpayer billions. and what has america come to
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when the top prize on a new reality show is nothing more than a middle class job? we're going to look at the new game show where the so-called reward is something that guarantee with anybody willing to put in some hard work. >> three additional companies will have a chance to pounce on the candidate that they themselves would like to hire. which candidate would you like to make an offer? when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lin grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly
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to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. we're getting reports today that the hundreds of thousands of twitter users exposed cyber attack being blamed on hackers in china. popular media site latest in the list of u.s. companies targeted by highly sophisticated hackers. the white house is complaining to the chinese government and more specifically to china's military. china has responded by saying essentially we are not sure what you are talking about. fox business network peter barnes always knows what he is talking about. is he live in washington with
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more. hey, peter. >> hey, shannon. a new government intelligence report to be released shortly is is expected to call rising chinese cyber attacks a threat to the u.s. and its economy. coming after the "the washington post," the "new york times." social media site twitter said on friday extremely sophisticated hackers from an unidentified location may have stolen user names, email addresses and pass words of 250,000 customers. the u.s. has made little progress in negotiations with china to stop the hacking, which china denies its behind. experts say that means the government and companies have to play more defense. if we can start doing a better job training the users to be better, making sure that we understand these vulnerabilities, we can at least solve that which is within our realm to solve. but then once you get beyond
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that we are beyond technical, now we are into technical and legal and diplomatic. >> now the u.s. is considering new economic and diplomatic steps to fight chinese hacking. according to the financial times, that will include more information sharing between washington and private companies to protect critical information systems and infrastructures like power grids and cell phone systems. won't comment on cyber security plans. shannon? >> shannon: peter barnes live in washington. thank you. joining us now john bolton former ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor. ambassador, what do you make of this? is it a different battlefield? different type of war pair? >> well, i think clearly the challenge of cyber warfare is one u.s. is catching up on aside from china which has the most so he face can i indicated in the world. we're seeing evidence of it all around us. we're just now developing
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theories and doctrines to distinguish, you know, along the escalation ladder what's just malicious hacking, what's commercial espionage, what's governmental espionage. what's act of war? what are our appropriate responses? what are our appropriate preventative or preemptive measures. china is well ahead of us in the cyber area. but i think that's just part of a larger challenge that we face in dealing with china over the next several decades. >> of course china denies this and says it's all just about trying to contain china, that we're raising these red flags that aren't legitimate because we want to be able to have a trade imambulance with them. they are denying all of these. i remember late last year there was a bipartisan call in congress, a commission that looked at two major chinese companies were trying to sell to u.s. companies. two congress members i remember mike rogers was the
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republican stood up and said we don't want you buying this particular piece of technology because we believe they are building spying mechanism and other things into this technology. again china says you are just trying not to do business with us. how do we respond? ening anybody in the united states wants confrontation. both in dominant theory in government and business community is china has engaged in what they call a peaceful rise. secretary clinton and vice president biden have both welcomed that in recent months this peaceful rise will lead to china being a responsible stake holder in world affairs. well, maybe, that's one possible scenario. not the only scenario and not necessarily even the most likely scenario. there is is not a lot that we can do to have much influence over it it's largely if you look at the role of the people's liberation army.
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it remains the most important element in the chinese party. chinese political effects. i think it's very difficult road ahead. will require a lot of care by the united states government. but also preparation against the scenarios where china's hostility is much more overt. >> do you think this administration has done enough thus far? senior officials in a state department saying talk about this a number of times. where do we find that delicate balance between letting them know we mean business and maintaining relationships that are beneficial to both sides? a lot of this is classified. hacked into the main technology symptoms of the top
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several american companies and virtually every department of the u.s. government. aggressive cyber wore fair capability that they have built upgrading and moderation capabilities. planned expansion of their navy that would make it larger than ever in modern chinese people. south china sea and east china sea. this is a pattern of china building up these capabilities that really is is certainly very troubling to china's neighbors in east and south asia and should be troubling to us as well. >> that it should. ambassador john bolton thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> well, there are reportedly 8.8 million people in the u.s. collecting disability benefits under false pretenses, check it out. and today we have some
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exclusive video of what those folks are doing while you the taxpayer are helping to pay their bills. do you not want to miss this video. president obama taking his plan for gun control on the road a look at the president's latest push for background checks which critics say simply cannot work. >> there is going to be paperwork, there is going to be law abiding people caught up in a bureaucratic nightmare and there is going to be abuse in terms of prosecutions. and it's all going to effect only the law abiding people. the criminals could care less. hey, our salads.
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[ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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night here is what it found a baby clydesdale and doritos munching billy goat gruff biggest winner and calvin klein abscess and gross makeout session for go
11:26 am were the very worse. ace metrics surveyed 500 randomly selected people for each ad. responses are projectable to the nation as a whole. the winner is the baby clydesdale add for clydesdale minute long built the ad barely showed any beer at all. scoring 765 out of 950 on the ace scale. the milked a for a milk run and this coke ad where a bunch of security cameras are capturing really nice behavior also rating in the top three. but looky here, a consumer created spot for door right toes about the billy goat that ranked among the top ads as well. hilarious ominous. now for the gross or merely mistarget now calvin klein ad ready to buy ace metrics 362
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out of 50. worse ratings a firm has ever seen. narrow target clashed with too broad audience. there is rather horrifying ad for go daddy. it wasn't just the geek kiss. listen to the sound effects of the face sucking for a moment. >> >> get your domain and web site at go >> this guy took four to five takes to get that right. overall the firm says this year's super bowl ad were not nearly as creative or funny as last year. occasionally, a lot more gross like that one right there, shannon. >> shannon: the sound is what really puts it over the top in the grossness category. did you say the guy only took four or five takes? i know most guys. >> 45 takes he took. he would have taken like 60. >> i think 45 was plenty.
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he earned his paycheck that day. >> he sure did. well, she actually earned it much more than he did, i would say. >> shannon: i'm i know i'm a total sap when i'm tearing up at the clydesdale got me. thanks for the recap. >> thank you. >> shannon: new reality show making headlines because of unique prize. how just getting a job has become the coveted prize itself and what that says now about our economy. ♪
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>> shannon: new questions today about people taking advantage of our disability insurance system fox news channel got our hands on surveillance video of seemingly able body deed people who are currently collecting benefits. you may remember the topic was thrust into the spotlight last year when employees at the long island railroad had scammed the system out of about a billion, that's with a b dollars. david lee miller is live from our new york newsroom with this update. hello. >> hi, shannon. that scandal involving retired railroad workers is unique. experts warn that disability fraud of many varieties is a problem. some analysts say more and more americans rather cheat the system rather than put in honest day's work. take a look at one cheater caught on surveillance video.
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>> investigators say the woman wearing a statue of liberty head band playing the drums, fraudulently collected years of social security disability insurance. she claims she couldn't work, due to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. she ripped off the system until caught partying at this music festival. >> she alleged that she spent most of her time alone in her own house just trying to ease other own anxiety. >> there are now 8.8 million people, more than the population of new york city claiming that they are unable to work and collecting social security disability insurance. >> there is a fair amount of fraud and abuse in the system. simply because of the way it is organized in addition to mental physical disorders that are easily faked such as difficulty con sen traghts. the majority of people collecting a check never return to work unless doing so illegally off the books. >> social security simply doesn't have the ability at
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this point in time to go and recheck people the tway should and the way it's actually required to do. >> receiving $1,100 a month. but the total annual bill for taxpayers $130 billion. authorities have this warning for potential cheats. >> it's not an easy thing to do. and if you do it, there is a good chance we're going to find you. >> experts warn the disability trust fund could soon go broke unless congress acts to boost funding and to cut waste. while taxpayers foot the bill, those who really stand to lose the most because of fraud are people legitimately disabled who need these benefits in order to survive. shannon? >> shannon: david lee miller on it. thank you. and while some of those folks in david's report may be trying to get paid for not working, a new reality show is shining a light on those who are desperate for a job. the cbs show is called the job and doesn't involve a million bucks or even a dream home but simply a chance to get a mid level job. shear a clip from the network promo. >> more than 12 million
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americans are looking for jobs. >> i'm fresh out of college, i'm hungry, i'm ready to work. >> with some candidates applying for each job opening, the odds are stacked against them and employer has all the power. >> in the last year alone, i have been on over 70 interviews. >> you can send out a thousand resumes. you have to know someone to have a job. >> now, one new series will try to make a difference. this is the job. >> shannon: mark is a democratic strategist and former aid to john kerry and to president obama's presidential campaigns and dee dee is a strategist and tied george w. bush. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> thanks, shannon. >> >> shannon: mark, i'm going to start with you 23 million unemployed or under employed. what does it say about us and our current economic issues if the number one prize in a game show is is the chance for a unspecified mid level job? >> sure, there is no question whatsoever that it's a very difficult time for people
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coming into the job market for the first time to acquire their first job. at the same time, let's not overthink this. i mean, that's the promo for the show and it it sets it up by talking about the economic question. reality television isn't about making grand narrative about making social issues. saying this show is ultimately going to be about the job market like house hunters is about the rebounding real estate market or watch lore is about the dating market. what this is is basically taking something we all kind of have anxiety about, that dreaded job interview and drama advertising it and exaggerating it in a way that is entertaining. not necessarily editorial. no, absolutely our job market is this tough shape. fortunately we have added private sector jobs every single month for the past 35 months. we have created over 6 million jobs in that period of time. so we are on a recovery and we are bouncing back from the brink of, you know, the worst recession we have seen since the great depression. there is still more work to be
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done in the obama administration acknowledges that and is working with the private sector to do that work. >> here is what i thought was interesting. since the rebound or the end of the great recession over the last three years, of the jobs that have been added back into the economy, 2% of them are middle class jobs. 70% of them are identified as low paying jobs. what say you, dee dee? >> yeah, the promo is very depressing. i was expecting it to be something a little more like survivor because of the guy that produces it. that's part of it how many seasons can survivor last? they are trying it be craven. they have lowered the bar. hey i'm hungry, i'm barely making it, hey, guess what i will take that pinto over a porch. this is not just a good thing to think about equalizing and lowering the bar where you it's just like we are going for unnamed mediocre job? let's not go mediocre we want to go for the best job. however, to be fair if this is a way it get your foot of in the door in a good company and
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promoted that way and we want to move to the top and this is a way, that's fine, that's not the way the promotion looked. herb getting the same job and not striving for excellence whichs obama administration has done. if he wants the grade redistribute. that's not the american way. you don't want survive. you don't want to be a job or have a job just to be. you want to have a job to be successful. >> marc, you saw the opening promo there. people telling stories how they interviewed for 70 jobs in a year and they can't find anything. the whole thick does feel sort of depressing. it doesn't feel like entertainment. >> in the promo in the five or ten seconds we showed. this is going to be a half an hour, hour long show. there is going to be a lot of entertainment and excitement in the show. not as depressing as you might interpret it it's good television. the stakes are high whether you have a job or whether you
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find that bachelor or bachelorette and get married. whether or not you are able to make over your homes these are tasks for every day americans that everybody could identify with. wouldn't it be fun to -- >> going to be in the system. >> personally i think it would be fun and maybe tee dewill agree with me where they had a task oare where your averter got to see next end near you too long some tasks and running them around. >> while that's currently in not in the budget. >> cosmopolitan. that sounds like being a fun job. depressing like we have to settle for a mediocre job for some regular deal. things aren't going well. >> don't be so depressed, dee dee. >> i'm not suppressed. >> downer becky over there. >> i think it would be a fun
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show if they would make it like it's is a foot in the door and we want to move up in the world and as americans we want to do the best we can and not make it like oh it's is tough and the economy is so bad and this is what you are going to get. >> can we make one -- >> shannon: we have got to leave it there maybe you guys could get your own show. >> i'm all for it. >> i'm going to get my own show. you hear me, mark? you can be my guest on it. >> shannon: dee dee and mark good to see you both. >> mystery of one hand's death finally solved 100 years later. final resting place of king richard the iii. why he might have wanted to trade his kingdom for a head stone and not a horse. that's next.
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>> shannon: rising prices now
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forcing americans to spend a larger chunk of household budget on gas almost more than anything else in three decades. a new energy department reports the u.s. family spent more than $2,900 on gas last year. that's about 4% of all pretaxed income. you can blame those sky high prices because the amount of gas americans consume is dropping. >> all right. president obama launching a campaign style blitz overall the nation's gun laws. is he in minneapolis to try to rally enough support to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. critics say he is exploiting emotions stirred up by the new town tragedy to push his own agenda. emily miller is "washington times" opinion editor and knows a lot about how this works. all right, emily, what is your sense of what is going to happen on capitol hill? the president has a laundry list of what he wants to see passed. are lawmakers going to be willing? >> it doesn't look very good for him on capitol hill. that's why you see obama going national with his campaign now because his public relations efforts have been more successful nationally. people on capitol hill know
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the facts. they know there has never been any gun law that has reduced crime, that has prevented a mass shooting. his effort is to push congress from outside to to pass more gun laws as well as get the laws to the state ledge his late legislatures. this feels still to me pretty much like a campaign style event. >> it is very campaign-style. is he going to be traveling around the country pursuing this agenda. the problem is it is just not based on fact. it's based on emotions. the presidents have this agenda. he wants that so-called assaults weapons back. ban magazines over 10 rounds. background checks on people who give their gun to their family members. he has wanted these things for four years. he waited for the right moment. unfortunately they are exploiting a tremendous tragedy that happened at sandy hook elementary school in order to push through these laws. it may not happen on the
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federal level but on the state level is where you are seeing delaware, quengt cut, massachusetts. >> wife had assault weapons ban before it expired. what do we know about what happened during that time period and whether a new one would work. >> assault weapons in effect from 19994 to 2004. during that period crime did not decrease. columb the school happened right in the middle of it what they call assault weapons standard semiautomatic rifles that had certain cosmetic features on them collapsing griffiths. they don't change the focus. murders by rifle are such a minuscule part of all murders in the all. i think there is many more deaths and fbi statistics than beating with firsts and
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rifles. >> what do you make of comferl background checks. nau there is call maybe thee there are lawmakers on both side of the i'll would it be truly be if that was reinstituted? >> i think there is a lot of common sense involved in this issue. right now if you go into gun store, you buy a gun, you will get -- they will call the fbi and check and see if you qualify. >> i bought my gun did an instant gang ground check. they saw i wasn't a felon didn't have mental background issues. i was able to get a gun. >> see the guys on the street places like chicago, they are stealing them or buying them off the steet thinking that any criminal selling in the middle of the street is going to stop and called fbi and do a background gun show loophole in making it southbound-like
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there isn't some are sort of were loophole. a .7% got theirs at gun shows: not a public safety crisis. >> as we are awaiting the president's remarks. as we have seen a number of times in his remarks over the last few weeks in the wake of the new town tragedy, he is often referenced that tragedy and how that is the thing that should make this a different conversation this time around. if you would hole on just a minute, it looks like he may be approaching the podium there. we're going to hear from him in just a minute now. working his way through the crowd. we know that he was speaking with law enforcement officials today and we know that in minneapolis they have had, emily, a lot of efforts to crack down on gun violence there. and we know the mayor is a big supporter of the president. he was out campaigning for him. do you think that he had other voices at this round table today who may have challenged some of his ideas or do you think at this point the president is surrounding himself basically with folks who agree with his plan? >> that's what he is doing,
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shannon. i saw the list from the white house there was no one on it representing gun groups or gun owners or the manufacturers. it was just sympathetic people. and, you know, this has been effective for him in using these terminologies like universal gun show like assault weapons, those kinds of things are effective. however, it's not going to work to change -- can't govern based on emotion. you can't governor based on feelings. you have to govern based on fax. the facts are that there has never been any law in this country related to firnls that has ever been proven to reduce crime. that's a study straight from the cdc. >> shannon: certainly uphill battle for any measure that hills the hill. we know republicans and democrats alike hesitant to get involved there. what do you make of folks like joe manchin the senator? west virginia who at one point was getting a lot of heat and pressure he and mark from alaska as well. democrats who say don't count me in for vote on the assault weapons ban. how much pressure do you think is going to be brought to bear from democrats to get on board. >> there will be because i
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don't think dianne feinstein is going to stop until she gets a floor vote on the so-called assault weapons ban. i don't think it would ever get a floor vote in the house it might be just sort of separate the wheat from the shaft but in the senate i think she is going to keep pushing for it that's going to be a real problem for democrats who are running in 2014 because, like you said, senators like manchin are in states that don't support this assault weapons ban. they don't want their rifles being taken away from them. they don't want the government tracking every gun. they don't want their magazines being taken away. it's a tough call for harry reid to decide who is from nevada, another progun state whether he puts this thing on the floor at some point in the next two years. >> it's interesting because we talked to folks on both sides of this debate. and i have talked to a lot of folks for more gun control. if there is any pressure out there it comes from the national rifle association. there is no group that is better equipped and better after the doing, this putting pressure on lawmakers than the nra. then this also tell me that a number of nra members, increasingly support what the president is asking for and
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that the nra is now out of touch. what do you make of that? >> well, i would say that wayne lappier has been at the nra since the late 1970s and knows his numbers pretty well. when they criticize the nr arched and they do so offensive. they are criticizing 4 billion law abiding americans who use their guns legally whether for self-defense or target practice or skeet shooting quite often as the president does. so, this assumption that the nra has made up these terrible horrible lobbyists in washington really criticizes all these law abiding americans who belong to this group because they believe in the second amendment. >> shannon: emily miller. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thanks, shannon for having me. >> take a listen now at the president's remarks live from minneapolis. >> chicago or philadelphia or minneapolis. then law enforcement and other community leaders must have a seat at the table. all the folks standing here behind me today, they are the
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ones on the front line of this fight. they see the awful consequences lives lost, families shattered. they know what works, they know what doesn't work and they know how to get things done, without regard for politics. so we have had a very productive discussion. one of the things that struck me was that even though those who were sitting around that table represented very different communities from big cities to small towns. they all believe it's time to take some basic, common sense steps to reduce gun violence. we may not be able to prevent every massacre or random shooting. no law or set of laws can keep our children completely safe.
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if there is even one thing that we can do, if there is just one life we can save, we have got an obligation to try. that's been the philosophy here in minneapolis. suffered a spike in violent crime involving young people. this city came together. you launched a city of youth initiatives that have reduced the number of young people injured by guns by 40%. 40%. so when it comes to protecting our system from gun violence have you known that progress is possible. we have still got to deal with 60% that remains but that 40% means lives saved. parents whose hearts aren't broken. communities that aren't terrorized and afraid. we don't have to agree on everything to agree it's time
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to do something. [ applause ] that's my main message here today. and each of us has a role to play. a few weeks ago i took action on my own to strengthen background checks, to help schools get more resource officers, if they want them, and to direct the centers for disease control to study the causes of violence. because for a long time even looking at the evidence was considered somehow tough politics. congress had taken the approach that we don't want to know. well, that's never the answer to a problem is not wanting to know what is going on. so we have been able to take some steps through administrative action. but while these steps are important, real and lasting change also requires congress to do its part and to do it soon.
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not to wait. the good news is that we are starting to see a ken census abouts action congress needs to take. the vast majority of americans, including a majority of gun owners support requiring criminal background checks for anyone trying to buy a gun. [cheers and applause] so right now democrats and republicans in the senate are working on a bill that would ban anyone from selling a gun to somebody legally prohibited from owning one. that's common sense. there is no reason why we can't get that done. that is not a liberal idea or a conservative idea. it's not a democratic or republican idea. that is a smart idea. we want to keep those guns out of the folks has he andz hand shouldn't have them. senators from both pear bill
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crack down on people who buy guns to only and sell them to criminals. it's a bill that would keep more guns off the street and out of hands of people with the intent of doing harm. [ applause ] and, by the way, in addition to reducing violence on the streets, it would also make life a lots easier and a lot safer for the people standing behind me here today. [ applause ] >> we shouldn't stop there. we should restore the banned on military assault weapons and 10 round limit for magazines. and that deserves a vote in congress because weapons of war had no place on our streerts or in our schools or threatening our law enforcement officers. our law enforcement officers should never be outgunned on
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the streets. [ applause ] but we also know that if we are going to solve the problem of gun violence, then we have got to look at root causes as well. that means we should make it easier for young people to get access to mental health treatment. [ applause ] we should help communities like this one keep more cops on the beat. and sense congress hasn't confirmed a director of the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in six years they should confirm your u.s. attorney from minnesota todd jones who is here today and nominated for this post. these are common sense measures, supported by democrats, republicans, and
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independents, and many of them are responsible gun owners, and we're seeing members of congress from both parties put aside their differences and work together to make many of them a reality. but, if there is one thing that i have learned over the last four years, it's that you can't count on anything in washington until its done. no, sir is done yet. there has been a lot of talk conversation and publicity but we haven't actually taken concrete steps yet. last week the senate held first hearing since newtown on the best way to address gun violence and the best way to move forward. the first people to offer testimony were gabriel giffords and her husband mark kelly. talked about how a complex problem like this has no single solution but if we still had a 10 round limit on magazines, for example, the gunman who shot gabby may
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never have been able to inflict 33 gunshot wounds in 15 seconds. 15 seconds, 33 rounds fired. some of the six people who lost their lives that day in tucson might still be with us. now, changing the status quo is never easy. this will be no exception. the only way we can reduce gun violence in this country is if the american people decide it's important. if you decide it's important. if parents and teachers, police officers, and pastors, hunters and sports men, americans of every background stand up and say this time it's got to be different. we have suffered too much pain to stand by and do nothing. and, by the way, it's really important for us to engage with folks who don't agree with us on everything because we hope that we can find


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